

  • Boulders: Reaching higher level, there will be boulders on the map. The player will not be able to dig through the boulder so they will need to go around.


  • Water filled tunnels: When an NPC fills up a tunnel with water the player will not be able to dig there. If they do, they will reach the water and drown. After a while the water will sink through the ground but the tunnel is filled with mud which slow the player greatly. Later the tunnel will dry out and despawn out and the player will be able to dig there again.


  • Fountains: Richer people have a big fountain in the middle of the garden. The fountain works as a boulder but bigger.


  • Levels: Reaching higher levels will make it more difficult for the player. There will be more boulders. There will be more NPCs. The level will be bigger or sometimes smaller with more or sometime less spawn location for the crops.
  • Piles of leaves: If the player walks on a pile of leaves it will make a rustling sound. The NPC will draw its attention to the location. The leaves will not affect the players movement.



  • Go up, down, right, left: The player is able to move in any direction with no affect from the gravity.


  • Enter surface: Go from underground to surface. The player can enter the surface to harvest the crops but the vision is heavily reduced.


  • Enter underground: Go from the surface to the underground. The player will have full vision now.


  • Dig: When the player moves underground the player will dig tunnels. If the npc see one of the tunnels, it will fill it up with water. If the player get hit by water, the player will drown.


  • Harvest: The player needs to be on the surface to harvest the crops. Different crops will given different score. The player needs to achieve a certain score to clear the level.  


  • Gain power-ups: Power-ups in the form of giant crops will spawn randomly. If the player picks one up, they will get a special bonus.

Throw: The player can throw the last picked up crop at an NPC. The bigger the crop, the longer the NPC stun time. Throwing a crop at the NPC will also enrage them, making them move faster. The NPC will get used to crops being thrown at them, reducing the stun time.


En öppen spelplan som man navigerar genom att slå en tärning för att gå och se till att hålla sig undan från människorna.



Spelaren slår med en d6

Människan slår med en d4

Människan går i det näst yttersta varvet av spelplanen klockvis.


Plocka crops:

Stå över ett slag för att plocka en crop

Slå en d6 för att se vad för crop du får

1-5 ger poäng 1-5

6 ger powerup 1-6



  • speed

1-2, Spelaren får slå två gånger per runda

  • bigger

3-4, Spelaren kan plocka alla växter i en ruta

  • invisible

5-6, Spelaren blir osynlig för människan

paper prototype team 8.psd